do professional painters clean walls before painting

do professional painters clean walls before painting

Paint your wall like a pro

Prepare to refurbish

Have you been staring at flaking and also faded paint in anguish, but you’re not sure where to start? What if we told you that you could have walls you can be proud of once more in simply one day?

Prior to you begin

A fresh layer of paint can make all the distinction to the ambience of your room, also a lick of brilliant white can have a bigger impact than you might think.

If you’re undecided on a colour, get some tester pots. Try painting your choices on white paper and also stick them to the wall with covering up tape, stand back and also see which ones look the ideal, taking your whole room right into account.

Top suggestion

Cover your furnishings as well as floor covering with dust sheets the evening prior to you start your painting job. In this way you can get stuck in straight away the following morning.

Project wish list

Paint your walls like a pro

Prior to you begin painting your walls see to it the surface areas are gotten ready for the job so you’re entrusted to a finish to be happy with. Have a look at our ‘Prepping your walls for painting’ article for helpful ideas.

Action 1, 7am: To make certain you obtain a smooth, expert coating, check out the surface of the wall for flaking paint, holes as well as bumps.

Usage filler for any holes and cracks. Allow it dry, sand down the surface and seal with sealant. For flaking paint and bumps utilize a scraper to even the surface before sealing and also fining sand.

See also  how many coats of outside paint are required?

painters dublin

Step 2, 8am: If your previous paint is satin or gloss it’s a great concept to scrub the walls down with sandpaper.

Usage mild pressure in a round motion – this will certainly aid to develop a layer that’ll help the paint stick.

Step 3, 10am: Tidy your wall completely to remove any kind of dirt or dirt by watering down some sugar soap in a bucket of water – read the instructions on the item for precise dimensions. See to it you’re clothed for the work as well as put on safety glasses as well as gloves, as sugar soap can be an irritant.

Utilize a large sponge to use the combination as well as function it right into the surface. Next, re-fill your bucket with clean water as well as wipe the wall clean.

Tip 4, 11am: Once the wall is dry, cover switches, outlets and also skirting boards with concealing tape. If you’re painting it a different colour to the ceiling or adjacent walls, run concealing tape along the edges so you obtain a wonderful, clean finish.

In between coats, remove as well as reapply concealing tape to stay clear of the sticky getting rid of any paint

12pm: Lunch time! You have actually earned it.

Step 5, 12:30 pm: Now it’s time to start painting. If you’re painting over a darker colour make use of a guide first – we recommend a grey one to make it less complicated to cover.

Mix the paint extensively prior to starting. Apply with a roller in an M or W motion, using a small brush or roller for the corners and edges.

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3pm: Place the kettle on while the paint is drying.

Step 6, 4pm: If the wall requires one more layer, currently’s a good time to use it so it has a chance to dry. Two coats are generally advised, but inspect the directions on your paint for advice.

Step 7, 8pm: The paint needs to be dry to touch now, which implies you can very carefully remove the covering up tape as well as pack away your dirt sheets. Tidy your rollers and brushes, as well as show off your new wall to the globe!

Top tip

Cleaning up those paint brushes can be a job, however with our ready to make use of paint brush cleaner your brushes will be like new in a snap!

That’s a wrap!

We would certainly like to see your paint makeovers. Share your photos on Facebook as well as Instagram to show off all your effort making use of #ReadytoRenovate.

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